Thursday, October 23, 2014

3 Reasons NOT to Wear a MMA Altitude Training Mask

I suppose if you are dressing up for Halloween as Bane, it might be a good idea to strap on one of those fancy MMA high altitude simulating masks, but if it doesn’t happen to be October 31st, there is a pretty good chance all that mask is doing is making you look like an idiot.  All the rage these days, training masks that have been popularized by the psuedo-science laden MMA magazine advertisements and Facebook ads alike, don’t hold up to the stringent demands of real science. Let me drop some actual knowledge on you about these  masks so you can better choose your workout gear going forward and hopefully avoid those nasty looks people keep giving you..

What do these masks promise to do for the unsuspecting user?

  • Improved oxygen uptake
  • Improved anaerobic capacity
  • Increased lung capacity

The claims by the manufacturers of these masks are loosely attributed to the mask simulating training at high altitude (because the breathing restriction aspect of the mask allows less air/less oxygen in each breath) which allegedly causes the user to have lung efficiency adaptations.

So now we know what the claims are, let’s take a look at the science to see if it supports these claims.

  • Improved oxygen uptake – This one falls apart REAL quickly. The basic principle of the oxygen deprivation mask is riding the tails of LLTH (Live Low Train High) principle…. i.e. you wear the mask only when you are training to simulate altitude. This has been proven false. In the study, “Is Hypoxia Training Good for Muscles and Exercise Performance?” authors Vogt and Hoppeler clear this up by stating, “… A common feature of virtually all studies on “live low–train high” is that hypoxic exposure only during exercise sessions is not sufficient to induce changes in hematologic parameters. Hematocrit and hemoglobin concentrations usually remain unchanged with “live low–train high.”  Next…
  •  Improved anaerobic capacity – In the study “Effects of intermittent hypoxic training on aerobic and anaerobic performance. ” authors Cable and Morton found that hypoxic training (using a mask or training at altitude) had, “no enhanced effect on the degree of improvement in either aerobic or anaerobic performance.”  Damn you science!!!
  • Increased lung capacity – All right, last chance here training masks! On the third and final chance at bat, the training masks actually deliver….well…kinda.  It is true that there indeed is an increase in lung capacity due to the restricted nature of these masks, however, that increase did NOT lead to an increase in any of the important aspects of performance such as VO2MAX or anaerobic capacity. Darn!

While it might feel like I am here to bash the entire genre of altitude simulation/MMA training masks, the reality is I am just trying to be a clear voice of science founded reason on the topic.  I think it is important to note that while the above info beats down the mask’s ability to back up the claims of the marketers out there, it does actually have a very viable use for MMA athletes.  Wearing these masks makes it hard to breath and “smothers” the user so that they have to adapt psychologically to wearing them and thereby become prepared should an opponent block their breathing in a fight(this is legal to do in MMA) it won’t have as dramatic of an impact on the training mask user.  See, one good point after all!

If you don’t mind looking like a dork and you want to improve your mental game for MMA, then a training mask might be the thing for you!  Everyone else, keep on doing whatever you were already doing…

Monday, October 20, 2014

This is why the rower is the BEST fat loss tool in your arsenal

While I know it is incredibly regal and fancy and all that good stuff, when I say “row” I’m talking about the Concept 2 rower, not those skinny, Ivy League college thing-a-ma-doodle boats. Seriously, who even uses those strange little boats anyway?

The Concept 2 is more popular today than it ever has been, mostly due to the CrossFit epidemic (yes, I said epidemic) that has spread across this great nation of ours.

It seems a prerequisite of having a CrossFit box that one must have a whole slew of Concept 2 rowers to be used during the random WODs that come out of the magic CrossFit hat on a daily basis.
So, we can all say “Thank you!” to CrossFit for increasing exposure to what I think is one of the best tools any gym can have when it comes to sculpting lean bodies and improving cardio fitness.

“So, Jason, what’s so magical about the Concept 2 rower?”

Well, gosh, since you asked, let me go ahead and tell you!

Here are the top 5 reasons the Concept 2 rower, and rowing in general, kicks ass:

1. Rowing is a FULL body workout.

I’m talking about head to toes, baby!
You literally use... read more

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Instant gratification

Why is it that on a regular basis I get emails from people asking me to give them a last minute, crash diet/workout so they can look good at their wedding, trip to Cancun, photo shoot, etc.? Even more frustrating are the clients who have hired me to develop a holistic and healthy approach to losing fat/gaining muscle that want the "quick fix" trick to get ripped in two days. I don't claim to be the best trainer in the world, but I do like to believe that over the past 20 years of my fitness career, I have gleaned a modicum of knowledge and experience that proves true time and time again the old adage, "All good things come to those that wait."
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Muscle doesn’t magically jump onto your body because you... read more here

The building blocks of a REAL MMA conditioning coach

Living in Las Vegas, Nevada affords me many great opportunities, not the least of which is being smack dab in the middle of MMA’s epicenter.  Being a rabid fan of MMA, partaking in MMA training (Specifically Muay Thai and Jiu Jitsu) and having the honor of working with many of the incredible MMA athletes (amateur as well as professional) gives me a multi-dimensional viewpoint when it comes to what works and doesn’t work with MMA conditioning training.  I am humble in my approach as I feel I am forever a student of the body and I would like to believe that is what helps me to achieve great success with my clients.  I don’t pretend to know it all, but rather I voraciously pursue furthering my knowledge base by means of reading cutting edge scientific journals, attending as many relevant certifications as possible and just flat out keeping an open mind.
Something I see happen all too often, is a random trainer... read more here

Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym!

Client:   “Jason, what’s the best exercise to get a six pack for summer?”
Jason:   “Do lunges into the kitchen, snatch the box of Coco-Puffs out of the cupboard and then tricep-press it into the trash can.”
If I had a nickel for every time someone asked me that question, I would be writing this blog from the cabin of my G5.  The cover of every single fitness magazine purports to have the “Answer to your tight, toned midsection” on page 73.  Crunches, side bends, the infamous Ab-Lounger, along with all of the rest of the ridiculous exercises that are claimed to magically squeeze the fat off of your core, are outstanding examples of the brilliant psychology of popular media at work.  Those brilliant advertisers know exactly what the common consumer is looking for and with the help of a contest ready model and few key words, they lure you into buying the newest issue of “Muscular Mythology Monthly.”
The very nature of being human is to subconsciously seek the path of least resistance. Everyone wants the quick fix, the easy way out and it isn’t because they are... read more here

Let's settle this once and for all: Single set vs multiple sets

I have been working in the fitness industry for over 20 years and have always worked hard to seek out the best science founded information with which to develop both my clients’ and my own workouts.  One of the confusing topics I have waded through many times over is the ongoing swat-workout_asm2debate in the strength training and bodybuilding communities as to whether a single set of an exercise is superior for building size and strength than training with multiple sets.  I have always worked out using multiple sets and gotten great results from that type of training.  I am, however, not so short sighted as to assume that because I got great results that it was “causation” instead of merely “correlation.”
I hear it all of the time:
Client:  “Jason, I started doing crunches and I lost 3 inches off my midsection!”
Me:      “Did you also change your food intake and your cardio training?”
Client:  “Well, yes, but it was the crunches that made me lose the inches!”
The inherent demand for logic and reason that my brain imposes on me precludes me from formulating a steadfast opinion without more here

Goldilocks, over-training and you.

I personally love the Bell curve and all that it represents. Take for example the people in America. On one end of the Bell curve we have the bell_curvestandard American: overweight and underactive. On the other side we have an athletic American: in shape and most likely overactive. What do I mean by overactive you are probably thinking? Let’s start by talking a little about how your body works.
The human body is an amazing work of art. Every day for hundreds of years, all over the planet, thousands of the world’s smartest people (doctors and research scientists) have been TRYING to figure it out. One of the most impressive things they have discovered is that the harder you work the body (within reason of course) the better it becomes! Try doing that with your car and see what happens. There is a certain amount of your physiology that is based in your parents genetic contribution to who you are, but the vast majority of who and what you are today, is nurture, not nature. What this means is that you are the end product of every single interaction with the world and the subsequent remodeling your body went through to accommodate to those interactions. Think about it more here

5 HUGE mistakes women are making in the gym

While I would never want to do anything but encourage more women to hit the gym for their own fitness goals, I do have a hard time keeping my mouth shut when it comes to some of the insanity that goes down once they get there.  Getting great results from your time in the gym really isn’t all that complex, unless you make it that way yourself.
Ladies, high five for your continued efforts to better yourselves! Along the way on your fitness journey, please try to keep a few of the following items in mind:
  1. Please, for the love of all that is holy, stop working your abs all the time. Your abdominal muscles, just like all of the other effective-ab-workouts-for-womenmuscles on your body, do NOT need to be beaten down every single day. Should you challenge your core muscles?  Absolutely!  Just try to... read more here


So you think you can handle an athletic woman, huh?

If you really think you’re up for the challenge, you might want to run through this list and if you can make it all the way through without dying, maybe you can try your luck with one of those badass CrossFit ladies or girls squatting 225 deeper than you can.

1. Her Strict Diet

She is going to be on a very strict diet that will not be shaken by your pleas to go have a beer at Yard House…even if it’s just one.
Or maybe she‘s bulking and will be eating a lot…likely enough to put your sissy pants stomach to shame.

2. No Belly Comments… For Your Own Safety.

If she is bulking to put on some muscle, you cannot… I mean cannot… inform her of how her belly seems to be protruding more than usual.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Ebola is coming!! (Or is it??) The TRUTH behind the hype.

Not many things drive me more crazy than people using social media to perpetuate ignorance.

It’s bad enough when one person doesn’t know what the hell they are talking about.

Magnify that via the power of Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and you end up with what is commonly referred to as a cluster f*ck.
Just because your buddy in Florida posted a status update about Ebola making people into zombies, doesn’t mean you need to perpetuate the silliness by sharing it with your circle of friends.

Stop the madness, people!

Let’s get this out in the open in as simple a way as possible: Ebola is less dangerous to you than the common cold. By a LONG shot.

• Compare that to the common cold (rhinovirus) which you can be infected with by direct contact or through indirectly inhaling droplets from a cough of someone who is NOT displaying symptoms at all.Ebola can only be spread by direct contact with bodily fluids from someone who has Ebola and is displaying symptoms currently.
• The reality is that in the US the spread of this type of disease is... Read more here

Thursday, October 16, 2014

10 ways to bulletproof your relationship.

It’s not rocket science… until it is!
How many of these do you do with your boo-boo?

Healthy Couples…

1. Do Their Own Thing!

Let’s be real here folks, I could go on and on about the idealist fantasies that every twenty-something wants to believe will happen when they get married but the reality is…
we all do our own thing in the end.
We balance together time with personal space time… and love both!

2. Healthy couples compromise.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

What if I told you ‪ORGANIC‬ is just a big ‪MYTH‬?!?

All across the United States people are looking for ways to improve their health.
They want to have more energy, get sick less often and improve their overall quality of life.
For many years now, Americans have believed that organic foods were healthier than food grown using conventional methods.
Those people might be very upset to find out that there really isn’t any difference between the organic Gala apple they just bought at Whole Foods and the regular apples readily available at the corner Walmart.

Well, other than the fact that the organic ones cost twice as much.

Why do most people buy organic? They believe that:
• Organic farming is better for the environment
• Organic foods are safer (no pesticides)
• Organic foods taste better
• Organic foods are more nutritious
The problem is that each of these strongly held beliefs are based in very shrewd marketing done by the organic farmers and organic food purveyors.


Sugar and spice and everything nice.

Yeah, right! Who do you really think you’re kidding?
Just cause we are girls, doesn’t mean we don’t do some pretty gnarly things…
in private and sometimes in public.
See how many of these YOU will admit to ladies or you have witnessed guys.

1. Let’s just get this out of the way right now: all girls pick their noses.

We all wake up with a dry schnoz and if you think I’m waiting until you get out of the bathroom to go blow my nose like a lady, you must be crazy. And God forbid the car windows are not tinted…
I’ll leave it at that
Check out the rest of the article here